Lost & Found

I recently experienced a heartwarming chain of events that underscored the power of community and the importance of cherishing the present moment. On Christmas Day, I lost my mobile phone during a chilly sea plunge. Despite the initial sinking feeling, I quickly reminded myself of the privilege and gratitude I feel to be in the position where I can replace it, should I need to (as you can see I’m still smiling in this photo despite the cold and the lost phone!)

When I returned home that day, I turned to faith and community. I made a heartfelt wish to St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost things, and reached out to my spirit guides for help in finding my phone. Little did I know that this simple act would set a heartwarming chain of events into motion.

I also reached out to Jersey Community Facebook Groups dedicated to helping people connect with their lost items. The response was overwhelming, with individuals offering to search for my phone. The sense of solidarity was palpable, and people shared their own stories of lost and found items, which gave me hope.

Christmas has become more and more enjoyable every sober year. This was my 5th Sober Christmas, and I loved it. I feel like I’m completely back to my crazy, fun-loving self, this time with real confidence and minus the messiness and dreaded hangover.

I brought the games and fun along with me, so that we had a shared experience, I felt entertained and engaged with every one and I don’t get bored. I didn’t even have my phone to distract me.

It was great to be able to travel between family houses, because when you are sober you can drive too! Huzzah!

On Boxing Day, I logged onto my computer and received a message from someone who had found a phone on the beach, although it wasn't mine. I went back to the beach, and as I walked back along the shoreline, fully immersed in the present moment and not through the lens of an iPhone camera, I met people actively searching for my phone. These were complete strangers who had seen my post on the Facebook group and had taken it upon themselves to help.

Their kindness and dedication were awe-inspiring. I'd come to terms with the possibility of not finding my phone, but I'd enjoyed trying and learned valuable lessons about taking more intentional, scheduled breaks away from my phone.

When I returned home, someone had tagged me in a photo of a phone on Facebook and miraculously, it was mine! The tides had washed my phone ashore, and it had been found on the beach. Not a scratch on it. Crazy.

As we embrace 2024, let's remember the power of community and the importance of being present, trusting that the Universe has our back.

2024 is a year to overcome self-doubt, cherish each moment, and boldly pursue our dreams.

This year has been one of personal and professional development for me. Professionally, I have expanded my credentials to support my clients' growth and wellbeing, adding EFT and SAH MethodTeacher Certifications to my Coaching Certification. Next year, I am excited to offer this work to more people.

If you're ready to embark on a transformative journey and work towards your dreams, please don't hesitate to reach out. Let's make 2024 a year of growth, resilience, and accomplishment together!

Additionally, I have limited spaces available if you're interested in exploring partnership opportunities with me.

Wishing you a fantastic year ahead filled with success, community, and the joy of the present moment.


Raise a glass to Dry January!


How to Overcome Self-Doubt and Pursue Your Dreams in 2024