Sober October Leap of Courage.

In life, opportunities for adventure often come when you least expect them, and sometimes, it takes a little nudge from a friend to push you past your comfort zone. That's precisely what happened to me and seven other people during an unforgettable Sober October experience.

It all began on an Instagram Live session hosted by myself and Daniel (aka @JerseySoberWalker). As we discussed the challenges of Sober October and the importance of raising awareness and funds for meaningful causes, he threw out a spontaneous question: "Would you be willing to jump out of a plane to support a cause?"

The question hung in the air for a moment, and then I found myself replying with an enthusiastic "Yes!" Little did I know that this impulsive decision would lead to camaraderie, courage, and breathtaking views of our beautiful island of Jersey.

The word spread quickly throughout our sober community, and before we knew it, the jump slots were fully booked, with eight brave souls ready to take the leap, all in the name of Sober October. We pledged to raise funds for various causes, and I personally took up the challenge to raise money for "Miles for Mel", an All Island Media initiative to support their colleague Mel.

 Mel is a friend of mine and was at the heart of my jump. She had recently undergone major surgery in Southampton to battle colon cancer and was currently in the midst of her second round of chemotherapy. Her resilience and bravery in the face of such adversity made her a true inspiration, and I was determined to do my part to support her.

As the date of our skydiving adventure drew near, the sense of anticipation and excitement among our group grew stronger. We supported each other through the nerve-wracking days leading up to the jump, offering words of encouragement and sharing our fears and hopes.

On the day of the jump, the weather was on our side, providing what felt like a summer's day in October, clear skies and perfect conditions. While waiting our turn, we sunned on the beach and dunked in the sea. People assembled on the beach to support us. As each pair boarded the plane with their tandem partners, you could feel a mix of anxiety and exhilaration. As each team landed, they were greeted with whoops and celebration.

My husband, Steve and I were the last to jump. As the plane soared higher into the sky, and the anticipation continued to build. Unexpectedly, as I prepared to make my jump, a feeling of peace washed over me. It was as if all my worries and anxieties had been left on the ground. I was suspended in a moment of serene clarity, grateful for life, community and the opportunity to experience this incredible perspective of Jersey from above.

As I descended from the plane, freefalling at over 120 miles per hour, I felt blissful. I got the opportunity to steer the parachute and go around in circles, and I was having a great time. I then noticed, from my perspective in the air, that my husband didn't seem to be attached to his parachute anymore. Which you can imagine was a bit disconcerting! In an unexpected twist, his parachute didn't open as smoothly as the rest of ours, creating a dramatic moment. Our hearts raced as we watched him, but we breathed a collective sigh of relief as his backup parachute deployed, and he descended safely to the ground. It was a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of life and the importance of having a support system in place.

 Our jump was not only an adrenaline rush but also a powerful reminder of the strength of our sober community. We challenged and supported each other, proving that together, we can accomplish incredible feats. The bonds we formed during our skydiving adventure will undoubtedly last a lifetime.

In the end, our Sober October skydiving experience was about more than just jumping out of a plane; it was a symbol of the incredible heights we can reach when we face our fears head-on. It was a reminder that life is meant to be lived to the fullest, and sometimes, all it takes is a leap of courage to remind us that we are truly alive.


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