Unleash Your Hidden Potential.


The Transformative Magic of Tapping for Empowerment and Healing.

Life is an exciting adventure filled with unexpected twists and turns. Yet, there are times when we encounter roadblocks that hold us back from embracing our fullest potential. If you're like me, you've probably found yourself stuck in the same frustrating patterns, yearning for a way to break free. I've been there and am about to share something that might set you free. It's called tapping and a powerful way to tap into and release deep-rooted beliefs and trauma holding you back from moving forward.

Caught in the Loop of Avoidance?

I get it – life can be overwhelming. There are days when it feels easier to drown out those persistent whispers of unease with work, Netflix binges, social scrolling, shopping or maybe one too many glasses of wine. But let's be real, deep down, we know these are just temporary fixes. They're like band-aids on a wound begging for real attention. I've been down that road, convincing myself that staying busy or indulging in unhealthy habits would somehow silence the unsettling feelings. The truth is, it's exhausting and not sustainable!

Unveiling the Mystery of Tapping

Imagine a world where you can address those feelings you've been dodging and drowning out, the deep-rooted beliefs and old traumas that need untangling. That's where tapping, or Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), comes in. Invented by Gary Craig in the 1990s, EFT involves gently tapping specific points of your body, either self-guided or guided by a practitioner, whilst focusing on specific emotions or issues. This innovative approach helps to clear disruptions in the body's energy system, bringing the feelings you have suppressed to the forefront, and by doing so, emotional and physical imbalances can be addressed, facilitating healing and fostering a sense of emotional freedom.

Breaking Free

Now I am mindful when I find myself in that distraction loop - What am I trying to distract myself from? What thoughts are desperate to be heard? It's crazy how we'd do almost anything to avoid facing what's truly bothering us. But let me tell you, that cycle of avoidance? It's a trap, and it's time to break free. I couldn't believe what came up for me whilst tapping. Things suddenly started to make sense, and I felt a feeling of understanding and acceptance, like taking the mask off and finally meeting the real you for the first time.

The Key To Liberation

Tapping allows you to feel, heal, and move forward. It can address a wide range of emotional issues, such as stress, anxiety, fears, phobias, grief, addiction and traumatic experiences. The practice allows you to confront them head-on in a gentle and compassionate way. It's like saying to yourself, "I see you, I hear you, and it's time to let you go."

How Tapping Works its Magic

Let's talk science because tapping isn't just a Woo concept – it's backed by scientific understanding. Our bodies are wired with energy pathways, and these paths can sometimes get blocked, causing us emotional discomfort. Tapping on these pathways while acknowledging your feelings sends a calming signal to your brain. It's like giving your nervous system a gentle reset, leaving you feeling more relaxed and in control.

Elevating Coaching with Tapping

As a Certified Mindset Coach and EFT Practitioner I have seen firsthand how coaching and tapping can work together. Coaching is like having a partner on your journey, guiding you towards your goals, but sometimes we encounter blocks that won't budge. That's when tapping steps in, helping you tackle those underlying emotions that traditional coaching might miss. Tapping goes deep into your subconscious, where those sneaky beliefs and emotions like to hide. It shines a light on the hidden corners of your mind, making way for genuine transformation. On the flip side, sometimes, people need to remove the block before investing in a coaching journey.

Real Self Discovery

Clients have been amazed by what has come up for them in a tapping session. Finding a practitioner, you resonare with is essential – the more you trust and connect with your guide, the easier it becomes to release and heal. Tapping initiates a heart-to-heart chat with your inner self, revealing the "whys" behind your reactions and gently guiding you to let go of what no longer serves you.

Curious to Give it a Try?

If the idea of tapping has piqued your curiosity, and if you're wondering how to start this journey, I'm here to help. Whether navigating emotional challenges or seeking to deepen your self-awareness, I invite you to try EFT. Together we'll uncover the hidden layers holding you back and tap our way to a more empowered you.

My journey of healing began with a leap into the unknown, and yours can start right here, right now. Remember, within you lies the power to release, transform, and tap into your extraordinary potential.


The Transformative Dance of Glimmers and Triggers


Sober Sessions Boat Party.