Here's what some of my clients say about working with me.

Client Testimonial, Confidence Coaching, UK Jo Ferbrache Client Testimonial, Confidence Coaching, UK Jo Ferbrache


“As a professional who does a lot of freelance work and so who works a lot for myself and by myself, I wanted to try working with a coach, someone who I could talk to about my ambitions in life and career and discuss ways I could achieve goals.

“I met Jo on a course before I started working with her. As part of the course she spoke about her Sober Jo programme and her coaching business. I loved her energy, her passion and her genuine investment in helping people through a variety of different journeys, and I came away thinking, I would love to work with her.

When I started working with Jo I didn’t really know what to expect from our time together, I just knew I wanted a space to discover and access to guidance.

Jo is such a warm, bubbly, incredibly caring and genuine person, which is exactly the type of person you need when embarking on a (sometimes difficult) journey of evaluating yourself, your life, your work and your goals and ambitions……”

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